Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Saved From Free Fall!

If breaking God's law is like jumping out of a plane, then attempting to save oneself through keeping it is like trying to climb back in. Impossible! The law of gravity will not allow it!

As gravity will see to it that a man is hurtled to earth, so God's eternal Justice will see to it that an unrepentant sinner is thrown in hell. It does not matter how hard a man strives, he cannot soar to the heights of the righteous requirements of the law - it can not be done! Though he may try to fly with the birds, he is not much more than a madman running around the park, flailing his arms and squawking like a bird.

Man has as much hope of saving himself as does a spider’s web of stopping a falling rock!

But what is impossible with man is possible with God!

When a man, fast free falling into the pit of hell, comes to the end of himself and stops trying to flap his arms, but rather, cries out for mercy to the only one who can save him - then, and only then, will he look up and see the parachute of our Lord Jesus Christ unfold above him.

Behold the sight!

And how do you describe the feeling of relief that you feel when you see his blood spread out like a canopy above you, arresting your descent into destruction and carrying you, by the harness of His grace, safely to His side?

Joy? Relief? Gratitude? Yes, all of these and much more!

And what is your response? Do you want to cut the cords of grace and dive headlong again into the free fall of sin? By no means! To suggest such is sheer stupidity! No man in his right mind, having passed from death to life, would willingly cut himself free and fall to his destruction! No, a man saved from sure death, will, from joy over, sing praises to his Saviour and resolutely determine to serve and worship Him all the days of his life!


ExPatMatt said...

Just remember that it was God who pushed you out of the plane in the first place...

Sam said...

Some cry out for help, and are saved, but if you refuse to repent and put your trust in Christ you will hit the ground at terminal velocity. God has made a way for you to be saved! Everyone who calls upon the Saviour will be saved! Yet if you will not be saved, only you will be responsible for that!

ExPatMatt said...

Yes, but it was God who pushed you out of the plane in the first place.


Sam said...

God created you. You fell. God has made a way of salvation for you. You refuse to come to Christ to be saved. If you continue in your stubbornness and unbelief, you will die in your sins! You have heard the gospel. You have heard of Christ’s willingness to save you… If you refuse to come to him, you, and only you, will be responsible for that! Stop hiding in the shadows behind silly little arguments and come out into the light!

ExPatMatt said...

How and why did I 'fall' in the first place?

Sam said...

You fell the minute you committed your will to the principal and practice of pleasing self! When you began to go your own way, not regarding the will of God and the rights of others, but began living for your own self. When you decided in your heart: I will do what I want to do, when I want to do it, in the manner I want, for my own self interest!

Sam said...

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him" John 3:36

Matt. Please don't reject Christ! For your sake, I beg you, please don't reject Him!

He is willing and able to save you! He will make himself known to you if you seek Him. He will not condemn you or reject you if you call out to him for salvation - for He has said in His word "Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved".

Will you not come to Him? Will you not ask Him to make Himself known to you? Will you not lay down your arguments and listen? You are fighting against the one who is trying to save you! Matt. What must I do, what can I do for you to see this?

Eternal Critic said...

Matt makes a very good point. Why would one ask for help from the very person who pushed him out of the plane?

ExPatMatt said...

"You fell the minute you committed your will to the principal and practice of pleasing self!".

Are you talking about masturbation here, because that's kind of none of your business.

"When you began to go your own way, not regarding the will of God and the rights of others,".

I regard the rights of others very highly, thank you very much. I don't believe in God, so regarding His will is a little difficult.

"...but began living for your own self. When you decided in your heart: I will do what I want to do, when I want to do it, in the manner I want, for my own self interest!".

But I haven't done those things. Seriously, you make it sound like I'm an arrogant, self-absorbed hedonist. But I'm not.

And even if I was;

"God created you. You fell.".

He made me this way, but doesn't like it? Like I said - He is the One, according to your theology, who pushes us out of the plane in the first place.

Your final pleas are rather presumptuous and a little bit pathetic, if I may say so;

"Will you not lay down your arguments and listen?".

In my head, this translates as: 'turn off your brain and blindly believe as I do'

Considering the fact that my mind is the most important thing that I have, you'll understand if I'm reluctant to sacrifice it at the alter of religious belief.



Jared said...

I don't think that God pushed us out of the plane. I just think he left the door open.